Raw Mandarin Cordial Recipe


I'm using mandarins as they're bang in season and in abundance here in North Cyprus. However you can can use any citrus fruit you can get hold of to make this recipe as the principle is still the same.

The cordial will last in the fridge for 3 weeks or you can batch freeze it for 6 months. I chose to keep this one raw to lock in the nutritional value and keep the super fresh flavour.

Raw Mandarin Cordial Recipe:


500ml freshly squeezed mandarin juice or orange juice

150g sugar or something sweet ie honey or maple syrup

Mandarin shells from juicing

Mandarin leaves if available or you could use a couple drops of orange blossom water


  1. Cut the mandarins in half and juice them reserving the shells.
  2. Pour the juice into a bottle or jar and refrigerate.
  3. Place the mandarin shells in a jar and add the sugar and leaves or orange blossom water. Mashing and crush the sugar into the mandarin shells using the end of a rolling pin. Once the sugar has started to dissolve place a lid on the jar and leave at room temperature for 24 hours to macerate.
  4. Strain and push the macerated mandarin mixture through a sieve over a bowl to catch the fragrant syrup.
  5. Add the syrup to the freshly squeezed mandarin juice. Shake well and store in the fridge for up to 3 weeks. It can also be frozen down in batches for up to 6 months.


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